This blog provides information and resources for healthier living, wellness and a number of health topics including specific medical conditions. It is also a resource for conditions commonly considered to be environmental illnesses including CFS, FM, PTSD, obesity, diabetes, insulin resistance, MCS, heart disease, and a number of other conditions that are potentiated by contaminants in the air, soil and water including autism, sick building syndrome and sickness behavior just to name a few. This blog will try to focus on less scientific and more real-world news and application.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Mercury's Threat Greater in Ocean Fish - Healthy Recipes, Nutrition and Cooking Tips to Improve Health or Lose Weight on

"SUNDAY, June 27 (HealthDay News) -- Seawater itself is the reason why mercury in saltwater fish poses more of a health threat to humans than freshwater fish, even though concentrations of the chemical are much higher in freshwater species, according to new research."

Read more...Mercury's Threat Greater in Ocean Fish - Healthy Recipes, Nutrition and Cooking Tips to Improve Health or Lose Weight on

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