This blog provides information and resources for healthier living, wellness and a number of health topics including specific medical conditions. It is also a resource for conditions commonly considered to be environmental illnesses including CFS, FM, PTSD, obesity, diabetes, insulin resistance, MCS, heart disease, and a number of other conditions that are potentiated by contaminants in the air, soil and water including autism, sick building syndrome and sickness behavior just to name a few. This blog will try to focus on less scientific and more real-world news and application.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Left-sided Cancer: Blame your bed and TV?

At first the ideas presented in this article may be a little far fetched, but considering my reactions to chemicals in beds, nothing surprises me anymore. Of course, more research is needed on these findings....

"Curiously, the cancer rate is 10 percent higher in the left breast than in the right. This left-side bias holds true for both men and women and it also applies to the skin cancer melanoma. Researchers Örjan Hallberg of Hallberg Independent Research in Sweden and Ollie Johansson of The Karolinska Institute in Sweden, writing in the June issue of the journal Pathophysiology, suggest a surprising explanation that not only points to a common cause for both cancers, it may change your sleeping habits"

Read more: Guest Blog: Left-sided Cancer: Blame your bed and TV?:

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